572 research outputs found

    Fatalism and Future Contingents

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    In this paper I address issues related to the problem of future contingents and the metaphysical doctrine of fatalism. Two classical responses to the problem of future contingents are the third truth value view and the all-false view. According to the former, future contingents take a third truth value which goes beyond truth and falsity. According to the latter, they are all false. I here illustrate and discuss two ways to respectively argue for those two views. Both ways are similar in spirit and intimately connected with fatalism, in the sense that they engage with the doctrine of fatalism and accept a large part of a standard fatalistic machinery

    Virtue and austerity

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    Virtue ethics is often proposed as a third way in health-care ethics, that while consequentialism and deontology focus on action guidelines, virtue focuses on character; all three aim to help agents discern morally right action although virtue seems to have least to contribute to political issues, such as austerity. I claim: (1) This is a bad way to characterize virtue ethics. The 20th century renaissance of virtue ethics was first proposed as a response to the difficulty of making sense of ‘moral rightness’ outside a religious context. For Aristotle the right action is that which is practically best; that means best for the agent in order to live a flourishing life.There are no moral considerations besides this. (2) Properly characterized, virtue ethics can contribute to discussion of austerity. A criticism of virtue ethics is that fixed characteristics seem a bad idea in ever-changing environments; perhaps we should be generous in prosperity, selfish in austerity. Furthermore, empirical evidence suggests that people indeed do change with their environment. However, I argue that virtues concern fixed values not fixed behaviour; the values underlying virtue allow for different behaviour in different circumstances: in austerity, virtues still give the agent the best chance of flourishing. Two questions arise. (a) In austere environments might not injustice help an individual flourish by, say, obtaining material goods? No, because unjust acts undermine the type of society the agent needs for flourishing. (b) What good is virtue to those lacking the other means to flourish? The notion of degrees of flourishing shows that most people would benefit somewhat from virtue. However, in extreme circumstances virtue might harm rather than benefit the agent: such circumstances are to be avoided; virtue ethics thus has a political agenda to enable flourishing. This requires justice, a fortiori when in austerity

    Infinite barbarians

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    This paper discusses an infinite regress that looms behind a certain kind of historical explanation. The movement of one barbarian group is often explained by the movement of others, but those movements in turn call for an explanation. While their explanation can again be the movement of yet another group of barbarians, if this sort of explanation does not stop somewhere we are left with an infinite regress of barbarians. While that regress would be vicious, it cannot be accommodated by several general views about what viciousness in infinite regresses amounts to. This example is additional evidence that we should prefer a pluralist approach to infinite regresses

    Relativizing identity

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    In this paper, I defend Peter Geach’s theory of Relative Identity against the charge that it cannot make sense of basic semantic notions

    Dust attenuation in 2<z<3 star-forming galaxies from deep ALMA observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    17 pages, 7 figures, accepted version to be published in MNRASWe present the results of a new study of the relationship between infrared excess (IRX ≡ L IR/L UV), ultraviolet (UV) spectral slope (ÎČ) and stellar mass at redshifts 2 < z < 3, based on a deep Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) 1.3-mm continuum mosaic of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Excluding the most heavily obscured sources, we use a stacking analysis to show that z ≃ 2.5 star-forming galaxies in the mass range 9.25 ≀ log(M*/M ⊙) ≀ 10.75 are fully consistent with the IRX-ÎČ relation expected for a relatively grey attenuation curve, similar to the commonly adopted Calzetti law. Based on a large, mass-complete sample of 2 ≀ z ≀ 3 star-forming galaxies drawn frommultiple surveys, we proceed to derive a new empirical relationship between ÎČ and stellar mass, making it possible to predict UV attenuation (A1600) and IRX as a function of stellar mass, for any assumed attenuation law. Once again, we find that z ≃ 2.5 star-forming galaxies follow A1600-M* and IRX-M* relations consistent with a relatively grey attenuation law, and find no compelling evidence that star-forming galaxies at this epoch follow a reddening law as steep as the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) extinction curve. In fact, we use a simple simulation to demonstrate that previous determinations of the IRX-ÎČ relation may have been biased towards low values of IRX at red values of ÎČ, mimicking the signature expected for an SMC-like dust law. We show that this provides a plausible mechanism for reconciling apparently contradictory results in the literature and that, based on typical measurement uncertainties, stellar mass provides a cleaner prediction of UV attenuation than ÎČ. Although the situation at lower stellar masses remains uncertain, we conclude that for 2 < z < 3 star-forming galaxies with log(M*/M ⊙) ≄ 9.75, both the IRX-ÎČ and IRX-M* relations are well described by a Calzetti-like attenuation law.Peer reviewe

    The dynamics of z = 0.8 Hα-selected star-forming galaxies from KMOS/CF-HiZELS

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    We present the spatially resolved Hα dynamics of 16 star-forming galaxies at z ~ 0.81 using the new KMOS multi-object integral field spectrograph on the ESO Very Large Telescope. These galaxies, selected using 1.18 ÎŒm narrowband imaging from the 10 deg2 CFHT-HiZELS survey of the SA 22 hr field, are found in a ~4 Mpc overdensity of Hα emitters and likely reside in a group/intermediate environment, but not a cluster. We confirm and identify a rich group of star-forming galaxies at z = 0.813 ± 0.003, with 13 galaxies within 1000 km s–1 of each other, and seven within a diameter of 3 Mpc. All of our galaxies are "typical" star-forming galaxies at their redshift, 0.8 ± 0.4 SFRz=0.8∗^*_{z = 0.8}, spanning a range of specific star formation rates (sSFRs) of 0.2-1.1 Gyr–1 and have a median metallicity very close to solar of 12 + log(O/H) = 8.62 ± 0.06. We measure the spatially resolved Hα dynamics of the galaxies in our sample and show that 13 out of 16 galaxies can be described by rotating disks and use the data to derive inclination corrected rotation speeds of 50-275 km s–1. The fraction of disks within our sample is 75% ± 8%, consistent with previous results based on Hubble Space Telescope morphologies of Hα-selected galaxies at z ~ 1 and confirming that disks dominate the SFR density at z ~ 1. Our Hα galaxies are well fitted by the z ~ 1-2 Tully-Fisher (TF) relation, confirming the evolution seen in the zero point. Apart from having, on average, higher stellar masses and lower sSFRs, our group galaxies at z = 0.81 present the same mass-metallicity and TF relation as z ~ 1 field galaxies and are all disk galaxies

    The Halo Mass of Optically Luminous Quasars at z ,F≈ ,F1-2 Measured via Gravitational Deflection of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    © 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We measure the average deflection of cosmic microwave background photons by quasars at 〈Z〉= 1.7. Our sample is selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to cover the redshift range 0.9 ≀z≀2.2 with absolute i-band magnitudes of M i ≀-24 (K-corrected to z = 2). A stack of nearly 200,000 targets reveals an 8ÎŽ detection of Planck's estimate of the lensing convergence toward the quasars. We fit the signal with a model comprising a Navarro-Frenk-White density profile and a two-halo term accounting for correlated large-scale structure, which dominates the observed signal. The best-fitting model is described by an average halo mass log 10 (M h h -1 M)12.6 ±0.2 = and linear bias b=2.7±0.3 at 〈Z 〉= 1.7, in excellent agreement with clustering studies. We also report a hint, at a 90% confidence level, of a correlation between the convergence amplitude and luminosity, indicating that quasars brighter than Miâ‰Č -26 reside in halos of typical mass M h ≈ 10 13 h -1 M, scaling roughly as M h ∞ L opt 3/4 at M i â‰Č-24 mag, in good agreement with physically motivated quasar demography models. Although we acknowledge that this luminosity dependence is a marginal result, the observed Mh-L opt relationship could be interpreted as a reflection of the cutoff in the distribution of black hole accretion rates toward high Eddington ratios: the weak trend of Mh with Lopt observed at low luminosity becomes stronger for the most powerful quasars, which tend to be accreting close to the Eddington limit.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    How Reasoning Aims at Truth

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    Many hold that theoretical reasoning aims at truth. In this paper, I ask what it is for reasoning to be thus aim-directed. Standard answers to this question explain reasoning’s aim-directedness in terms of intentions, dispositions, or rule-following. I argue that, while these views contain important insights, they are not satisfactory. As an alternative, I introduce and defend a novel account: reasoning aims at truth in virtue of being the exercise of a distinctive kind of cognitive power, one that, unlike ordinary dispositions, is capable of fully explaining its own exercises. I argue that this account is able to avoid the difficulties plaguing standard accounts of the relevant sort of mental teleology

    LoCuSS: The mid-infrared Butcher-Oemler effect

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    We study the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of galaxies in 30 massive galaxy clusters at 0.02<z<0.40, using panoramic Spitzer/MIPS 24micron and NIR data. This is the largest sample of clusters to date with MIR data covering not only the cluster cores, but extending into the infall regions. We revisit the Butcher-Oemler effect, measuring the fraction of massive infrared-luminous galaxies (K5x10^10L_sun) within r_200, finding a steady increase in the fraction with redshift from ~3% at z=0.02 to ~10% by z=0.30, and an rms cluster-to-cluster scatter about this trend of 0.03. The best-fit redshift evolution model is of the form f_SF ~ (1+z)^5.7, which is stronger redshift evolution than that of L*_IR in both clusters and the field. We find that, statistically, this excess is associated with galaxies found at large cluster-centric radii, implying that the MIR Butcher-Oemler effect can be explained by a combination of both the global decline in star-formation in the universe since z~1 and enhanced star formation in the infall regions of clusters at intermediate redshifts. This picture is supported by a simple infall model based on the Millennium Simulation semi-analytic galaxy catalogs, whereby star-formation in infalling galaxies is instantaneously quenched upon their first passage through the cluster, in that the observed radial trends of f_SF trace those inferred from the simulations. We also find that f_SF does not depend on simple indicators of the dynamical state of clusters, including the offset between the brightest cluster galaxy and the peak of the X-ray emission. This is consistent with the picture described above in that most new star-formation in clusters occurs in the infall regions, and is thus not sensitive to the details of cluster-cluster mergers in the core regions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
